5 Health & Fitness Tips for Surviving the Holidays!

It’s that time of the year again, a time for eating, drinking and being festive!  Don’t feel that you have to avoid your friends and family this season to stick to your fitness and health goals, you can still enjoy the holiday season without overindulging and winding up carrying an extra 10lbs going into the New Year.

Here are a few strategies to help you cope this Holiday season.

It’s OK to Indulge

Life is too short to not indulge over the holidays; however, the parties and gifts of food seem to be endless!  I too can relate and I find that the most important thing is to practice moderation. This can be easy if you plan ahead and decide which treat you really want to splurge on.  When you do decide to splurge, plan to get in an extra high intense cardio session and stick to a clean diet for the rest of the day. Try not to make it a free for all day, as you will only feel guilty, sluggish and tired. Plan for one treat and stick to your plan and you will succeed!

How Can I Resist Food That Looks So Good? 

Party food always looks so tempting; however, ask yourself a question, “How will I feel after indulging”? Imagine yourself stuffing yourself until you are full. How do you feel afterwards? Was the taste really worth the few seconds of satisfaction? Think of this before over indulging on treats you are not normally used to. I use this trick every time I go to a social function and it seems to become easier each time!

Increase Your Exercise and/or Exercise Intensity 

Increasing your exercise or the intensity this time of year has many benefits.  Not only will it help to decrease the added stress of the holidays but it will also help burn extra calories. One of the biggest complaints I hear this time of year is that people do not have any time – just make the time!  Book extra sessions with a trainer who you are accountable to or add more exercise into your day simply by taking the stairs when you can, parking further from the mall or even taking a quick 20 minute walk on your lunch break. If you are really pressed for time try my Full Body Tabata Workout   https://karen-gallagher.com/boot-camp-tabata-challenge-workout-9/. The extra exercise will add up and you will feel better come New Years.

It is OK to Politely Decline Party Treats

Just because everyone is indulging in holiday treats does not mean that you have to follow other people’s unhealthy habits. It is totally acceptable to politely decline tempting treats. If you absolutely have to explain just tell the hostess that you are simply making better choices to eat healthy.

Visualize Your Health & Fitness Goals 

At the start of the holiday season be sure to revisit your long-term health and fitness goals.  Each morning plan and set realistic goals for the day including your meals and scheduled workout. This will make it much easier to stick to your plan and stay on track during the holidays.

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Picture of Karen Gallagher

Karen Gallagher

As a fitness expert and Holistic Nutritionist, Karen brings a unique blend of experience gained working in the health industry for over 20 years. Her holistic coaching offers an individualized process to help you move forward in life and to end the diet/binge cycle for good. She provides coaching tools and assists with strategies to promote self-discovery and the exploration of different perspectives to help inspire you to reach your health and wellness goals. She has had great success with her clients by taking a holistic approach to health. Karen believes every individual requires support, knowledge and compassion to achieve great health and wellness.

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About Karen Gallagher

Karen is a Holistic Lifestyle & Fitness Expert on a mission to cut through the over-complicated B.S. around food, health and well-being so that busy women, can learn how to transform their bodies and nourish their souls so they can feel strong, fit and confident.

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