“You must be able to work miracles on a daily basis. No matter how small they may seem they will eventually add up to possibilities, which may never have been imagined.”
Today was the first day of volunteering and we spent most of it getting familiarized with the schools and most importantly where the children we will be teaching live. It is incredible the diversity of our living qualities throughout the world and how those with very little can still manage to survive and be able to find happiness. It makes me wonder what truly makes us happy? Is it the quality or standard of living or the fact that we simply thrive on living in the moment and experiencing life and loved ones? As I mature in this lifetime I have learned that what is most important to me is experiencing life in the moment, doing what makes me happy and spending time with family and loved ones.
Today when we toured Vrygrond community it really hit my heart in terms of how these families live. I felt sadness after witnessing these circumstances however as we passed some of the locals we were welcomed with warm greetings and smiles. It made me wonder if there is a certain comfort in their community that brings a feeling of love and safety despite the visual circumstances that we see. Would living with more make them happier?
One of the reasons why I’m here to volunteer is to hopefully share inspiration to young lives, even if it is just in small ways. Being able to impact people in a positive way to encourage growth and to hopefully make changes to those who they inspire makes me feel proud to know that I have helped to make a change. I want them to see that dreams can be turned to reality and that miracles can happen on a daily basis even if they are small. It is the small daily miracles that eventually add up to bigger miracles.
I think we can all learn from people of all walks of life no matter what their circumstance. What is most important is that at the end of the day it is not the things that truly matter in life.
I want to share this short video of Vrygrond where these children live. It really hit close to my heart and made me realize that I’m very fortunate for everything in my life and most importantly the people in my life
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