This plan is made to set you up for success. It includes:
✓ Easy to follow 14-day Sugar Cleanse program & guide booklet
✓ Simple, yet delicious recipes
✓ Lifestyle guidelines
✓ Detailed grocery shopping lists
✓ 15-minute coaching call with Karen
✓ Community support group
Did you know that reducing your sugar cravings can have the following effects on your health and life:
✓ lose weight and keep it off
✓ look younger and have healthier skin
✓ Reduce inflammation in your joints
✓ Reduce sugar cravings
✓ Decrease headaches and mental fog
✓ flatten your tummy
✓ Improve quality of sleep
✓ Reduced bloating
✓ kill parasites, and candida living in your gut
✓ increase your energy
✓ create a healthy relationship with food
✓ and of course, stop being a slave to sugar!