Haven’t you always been curious about the most famous Playboy Mansion? Ever wonder what it is really like inside? I know that I have! Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated about the beautiful and famous people who have the opportunity to rub shoulders with one another and indulge in the Playboy life as well as the breathtaking mansion and grounds! It would make for a very interesting evening and life experience don’t you think?
Well, I finally had the opportunity to experience this life time opportunity that not many would ever get! I was chosen from hundreds of models to represent the mansion at the Castle in the Clouds charity event June 19th. What at first seemed to be a little out of my typical shy element turned out to be one of the most memorable and incredible evenings!
Not only did I get the opportunity to mingle with some of the top people in the industry, but I was also treated like one! With red carpet treatment upon arrival and world class service for the entire evening, we were treated like royalty. Castle in the Clouds was a simple yet very elegant cocktail party with hundreds of beautiful people dressed to kill. The Playboy models were just as gorgeous, each showcasing their own unique beauty in a desirable yet tasteful manner. I was so proud to be part of such a beautiful and amazing group of ladies!
Like anything in life, time seems to fly when you are having fun! Before I knew it, I was heading back to the hotel with only photos and memories for a keepsake and of course my beautiful red “Pinup Girl” bustier to hopefully show my grandkids one day!
Be sure to check out all of my photos on my Website and Facebook…hope you enjoy!
Check out all my photos in my Gallery and on Facebook…