Get Back on Track After Summer!

As we all put the last long weekend of the summer behind us it is also that time of year to start thinking about how to get back into a regular routine and make fitness and health a priority again.

Many of us (me included!) have inhabited the lazy days of summer by eating, drinking, relaxing and eating more! After the Labor Day long weekend has ended and you are dragging your butt out of bed to face reality once again, you feel that all your hard earned efforts in the gym are suddenly wasted. You feel tired. You feel puffy and bloated. Your joints ache. And your clothes are all tight. NOW is the time to reclaim your health and get back on track.

I too feel that way and the fall is the perfect time to revisit and set new goals.  Here are 4 tips to help you get back into your health and fitness routine after summer.

Tip # 1

Set Goals and Focus

Your vacation is over and now it is time to get back on track. Goal setting is an essential and powerful tool for everyone who wants to achieve his or her health and fitness goals! Setting goals can help you focus on what’s most important, increase your effort and motivation to stick with your plan, consider new strategies regarding how to accomplish your goals and help you track your progress. Set realistic goals that excite you and focus on sticking to your plan.  Don’t beat yourself up for letting loose over the past few weeks, simply pick yourself up and get focused again.

Tip # 2


For the first 3-4 weeks I would recommend a healthy food cleanse. Choose only whole, REAL foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean meats.  This will help to restore your nutritional balance, increase energy, decrease bloat and decrease sugar cravings. Avoid all processed foods, sugar, white flour, alcohol and dairy.  You will be AMAZED at how incredible you will feel with this simple step. Kick start your fall transformation with my healthy cleanse

Tip # 3


Now is the time to sweat and to burn off all those indulgences from the summer! One of the best times of the day to work out is first thing in the morning (if your schedule permits).  You will have more energy, make better nutritional choices and you will feel mentally stronger to take on the day. Aim for at least 30 minutes of daily exercise including a balance of cardio, strength training and meditation or yoga.  It will keep you motivated and stronger physically and mentally.

Learn more about my Fall Transformation….

Tip # 4

Reward Yourself

Always remember to reward yourself for accomplishing your goals.  The first few weeks are the most challenging however you can do this! Take baby steps and always try to have a positive attitude.  I always ask my clients how they felt before incorporating a healthy lifestyle and how they feel once they achieved it – go by how you FEEL and look forward to feeling like that again!

To learn more about my Fall Transformation Program contact me @

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Picture of Karen Gallagher

Karen Gallagher

As a fitness expert and Holistic Nutritionist, Karen brings a unique blend of experience gained working in the health industry for over 20 years. Her holistic coaching offers an individualized process to help you move forward in life and to end the diet/binge cycle for good. She provides coaching tools and assists with strategies to promote self-discovery and the exploration of different perspectives to help inspire you to reach your health and wellness goals. She has had great success with her clients by taking a holistic approach to health. Karen believes every individual requires support, knowledge and compassion to achieve great health and wellness.

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About Karen Gallagher

Karen is a Holistic Lifestyle & Fitness Expert on a mission to cut through the over-complicated B.S. around food, health and well-being so that busy women, can learn how to transform their bodies and nourish their souls so they can feel strong, fit and confident.

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