It’s the Little Things in Life That Make Life BIG!

After a challenging time during my life I have been spending the past year on healing, self-growth and accepting myself.  At times I wondered if things would ever get better, I worried that I would never be able to establish the happiness that I had a few years back and that life would change drastically.  I must say that I’m very grateful for the beautiful friends and family in my life who have been there to support and who have reassured me that this would all pass – you just do not see it when you are in it and I assumed that this is the way it will be forever.

What helped me cope was not only the support of my friends and family but as well inspirational stories from others who have survived heartache, motivational books and most importantly my passion for fitness.  I remember a year ago a book really stood out to me at Chapters, “The Happiness Project”.  I took a quick peak at it, flip through the pages and thought…”I’m Happy…I don’t need a project to help me become more happy!” A year passes and again I come across this book and decide this must be a sign to purchase it!  So I did.

Within a few days I finished it from cover to cover, and was so inspired that I decided I wanted to start my own Happiness Project.  Not because I was unhappy but because I wanted to have more passion about life, to live in the moment and to accept myself for all my positives and negatives and to simply be ME!

What I have learned through my challenging experience is that one of the most important parts of healing and making yourself whole is to accept all the many parts of you.  Meaning, accepting the times when you are doing awesome, and the times when you did not do so well; the times when you are loving and caring and then the times when you are foolish and maybe hurtful; the times when you are successful and then the times when you seem to be failing.  These are all true parts of who YOU are! Most of our challenges stem from not being able to love ourselves unconditionally – including our parts that are not so good.  I too struggle with self acceptance however after the past few years I have learned more about who I am and can look back without shame.  I look at my past as experiences in which only added more value and richness to my life.

So…I decided TODAY to start my own version of the Happiness Project! I want to focus on what matters most to me and those close to me by setting resolutions and goals which will only bring more positive experiences to my life.  I want to encourage more richness in my life and to pay attention to the values and interests that make me more fulfilled as a person.  As well, through my experiences I want to hopefully inspire others to be more accepting of themselves and to live happily in the moment more often – to do the things that matter most to them – the more simple, meaningful things in life that creates more happiness.

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Picture of Karen Gallagher

Karen Gallagher

As a fitness expert and Holistic Nutritionist, Karen brings a unique blend of experience gained working in the health industry for over 20 years. Her holistic coaching offers an individualized process to help you move forward in life and to end the diet/binge cycle for good. She provides coaching tools and assists with strategies to promote self-discovery and the exploration of different perspectives to help inspire you to reach your health and wellness goals. She has had great success with her clients by taking a holistic approach to health. Karen believes every individual requires support, knowledge and compassion to achieve great health and wellness.

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About Karen Gallagher

Karen is a Holistic Lifestyle & Fitness Expert on a mission to cut through the over-complicated B.S. around food, health and well-being so that busy women, can learn how to transform their bodies and nourish their souls so they can feel strong, fit and confident.

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